Ebony Falls
by Emma Jennings
Then twilight came,
With sky crossed lines.
In wine glass readings,
we studied signs.
But man made shapes
Would fade to night,
An ebony fall
to focus sight,
Whilst those on steel birds
Might wake at dawn,
In another space,
On another lawn.
Would reflections in glass
Answer questions we sought?
We sipped the last sip
We tippled in thoughts.
The dog then barked,
Staring up at a nest.
T’was time to close eyes,
let profundity rest.
We’d blow out the flames,
We’d lock all the doors,
Left to question life’s quest
In our slumberful thoughts.
Emma Jennings | @emjen92 | website
Emma is a writer and trainer assessor based in Hertfordshire, currently teaching short courses to adults. With a background studying theatre and literature at University, Emma’s work extends to spoken word, stand up comedy and scriptwriting for stage. She is now excited to be working on her first novel and is busy training for the London triathlon