Monthly Letter
Dear Damsels,
Our theme for May is TRADITION.
The things you’ve grown used to, a custom you’ve to come to expect, a routine you know inside out: tradition can be a comfort, or it can be a curse.
It marks the clash of cultures and generations and yet it can be something one passes on lovingly to the next.
Friday night dinners, birthday walks on the beach – these are traditions we’d never want to give up.
But traditional – a word that reads old hat, outmoded – is surely the antithesis of millennial. We are told change is good, but change can be hard to make.
Tell us about your traditions, or talk to us about changes you’ve made. Break a tradition through a piece of writing, or bring an old one back to life.
Whatever you write, we can’t wait to read it. Submission guidelines can be found here. Our deadline is the 28th April.
Love and thanks,
DD x
We are no longer accepting submissions for this theme. If you’d like to submit, please see next month’s letter.