By Alyssa Walker
after Victoria Chang
Gladly bid farewell to Toxic friendships
No more vampiric sucking of your essence
or half-listening to fantastical fabrications
incessant and made solely to impress
What’s more impressive is the sigh of relief
when released from those shackles
the sudden spritz of energy when
adrenaline gives wings to my ankles
No longer wasting and withering in your grimy transparent embrace
Do not grieve the loss of this well-known companion
We released them gladly into the ether, free of constraints
Grief had grown tired of repetition, it wanted out of the marsh in which it wallowed
Unhealthy work habits died a death
the day I stood up and said no more
Working animals get to rest
why not me
No more favours or guilt trips
or working fingers to the bone
Candles are only meant to be lit on one end