Don’t Let Them Get High Off Your Narcissistic Supply: Rule #1 Do Not Offer Yourself Up as the Scapegoat
By Riley Forsythe
do acknowledge where if&when you’ve
recreated your family dynamic and realise you’ve
been swallowed by a pack of drooling narcissists
don’t panic you can slither&slide your
way out to safety
don’t proffer your neck however slender it may be
however enticing it may feel
to the chopping block they’ve reserved for the
false saviour they dress as lamb
do buy your innerchild frostycold icecream
and eat it for dinner, licking the spoon
with exquisite&mindful slowness
each sugary dribble a promise kept
to yourself at long last
don’t answer the siren call that sings
only you can save us. we can’t do this without you
and certainly
do recognise where your
life has become a compound
list of places you dread going to or being at
and instead shortlist your fantasy world
of where you long to be
don’t mistake cajoling for praise. the difference
is felt in your jaw and your shoulders. this is a skill.
you can learn it.
do frequently dive into deep bubble baths
spend all day in your pyjamas eating brightly
coloured e-numbers and watching cartoons or
whatever makes your innerchild laugh
don’t fall for the biggest lie of all
time; that you need to must
forgive in order to heal
don’t forgive anyone who won’t can’t
make assurances to change / look you in the eye and
offer sincere contrition through actions
not ghostwords
do forgive yourself, your deepdown fluffysoft
wounded fuckedup self, totally and unreservedly
& if need be
do this daily hourly minutely