GAY COUPLE BEATEN FOR REFUSING TO KISS | Sophie Hanson’s rhythmic poem shines a sobering light on homophobia.
by Sophie Hanson
O, the pealing of the bells
on the top deck of the night bus!
stage-set tonight:
liminal space of the damned
if you do, and if you don’t
they’ll come for you anyway —
(that blank stare at a bloodied hand)
O, they will not be cowed!
the news crows triumph
but they are made animal already,
finger-mouthed like livestock evaluated:
dancing bear / bristling pelt
then snarling, trapped —
(but only man could be this ugly,
the animals are above it)
O, pleasant human-like voice
reeling off the U-bahn stops!
mechanical tongue bent around
the consonants and vowels
that almost covered his —
(I didn’t understand
until she translated it for me)
O, english lesbians!
well, that’s not quite right
but sure I got the gist.
and as the doors slide closed on his
teenage assessing eyes
I wonder was he thinking of fucking it right out of me —
(kissing you in the departures lounge
shouldn’t feel like bravery)
Sophie Hanson | @radiofireworks
Sophie Hanson lives in Manchester and has published poetry, fiction, reviews and non-fiction. She works for an arts non-profit and is Editorial Assistant for writing charity For Books’ Sake. She can usually be found writing, reading or watching motorsport.