like the trees and other work
by Emily Marucci
don’t forget
don’t forget the way you felt
the way you allowed yourself to dream
the comfort of having your dad by your side
how you held onto him
how surprised you were
when the moon came out
before the sun went down
and the way you felt
when you learnt that apples grow on trees
dont forget
how you loved
the simple things
crayons on the kitchen table
and barefeet
but most of all
dont forget
the way you felt that anything was possible
you are older than you were
a second ago
where did my life take a turn?
you asked
as you looked around
at the sand
at the water
it looked as if you could see
past the horizon
and into heaven or something
you said you were once
drawing sunsets in your leather journal
and reaching out over fences
resting your hand on the horse
that lived down the road
in colorado
how did i get to where i am now?
you asked
the sun was setting
and suddenly
the breeze came
the trees got loud
the ocean rumbled
and took our breath away
like the trees
we all must shed our stories
hold on
you can search for it
and you can roll through the film
and you can look at it
from computers and screens and phones
but there’s certain moments
you can’t get back
you can never get back
all photography by Emily Marucci
Emily Marucci | @emmymarucci |
There’s only one thing Emily Marucci values above the written word, and that’s family. Born in the late ’80s to a creative brood, Marucci found deep inspiration in storytelling, a nightly ritual at the dinner table. This constant narrative combined with emotional outpouring—from crying to kissing on the cheek to listening to her grandfather’s trumpet sing—all form her childhood memories and make her feel at home.
Becoming a young poet was a natural next step. She eventually moved to New York City and gathered an artistic cohort, taking nostalgic photos with a 35mm camera and writing for zines. What began as an amateur expression evolved into SHK Magazine, a digital hub created from scratch, featuring the likes of Lorde, Tove Lo, and Langley Fox Hemingway. She has created digital copy for Lord & Taylor, Hudson’s Bay, Tarin Thomas, Cienne NY, LuMee, Nexxus NY Hair Care and most recently, for sustainable fashion brand EILEEN FISHER. Her next poetry book will be coming out March 2019, published by Andrews Mcmeel.