Pulling Myself Up
by Alexandra Keirsebelik
And suddenly I don’t feel like myself anymore
I feel overwhelmed
I don’t know what I’m doing, or why
Like I’m a stranger in my own skin
I can’t shake these feelings off
I just keep sinking deeper
While my anxiety finds its way
Into my bones
And I can’t escape
I fool myself that I have let myself down
And I believe it
It feels all too much
I can’t breathe
My tears come
I let them roll down my cheeks
While my shoulders tremble
It’s then, when the first tears flow, that I realise
That this moment will pass
Just like the other ones
This is just one part, I whisper
Embrace it, for a while
And then let go
Now let those other parts flourish the same way, I think
And I pull myself up
Alexandra Keirsebelik