When we first nervously broached the idea of holding a Dear Damsels event, where the lovely members of our collective could come together in real life, we could hardly have imagined that it would sell out in a matter of days.

We certainly couldn’t have guessed that our second event, held to celebrate two years of DD and to launch our second print annual, would be a sell-out success, too.

But it was! Held on a Tuesday evening in dark old January, the DD collective gathered together for the second time in an upstairs room at the Betsey Trotwood.

Though the evening may have passed by in a blur for us, reputable sources have confirmed that the room was indeed as packed full of you lovely lot as we had thought. Even in our state of good-vibes-induced delirium, one thing we couldn’t have missed is how brilliant our wonderful speakers were – from Virginia Woolf-inspired poetry, to spoken manifestos on the glory of food, the performances were varied, unique and inspiring.

For us, the best thing about the evening was the chance to meet the women who write for us, read and share each other’s pieces, and support what we do. If you were in the crowd (or cheering us on via Twitter and Instagram) – THANK YOU.

And we’ll see you at the next one, yeah?

If you missed it, a brilliant re-cap of the night is available in Instagram Story form, pinned to our profile, and as a Twitter moment. You can also have a wee scroll through the hashtag: #DDGetTogether.

DD co-founders, Bridie and Abby
Maria Ilona Moore reads ‘A Personal History of Remembering and Forgetting’
Jen Burrows reads ‘Your Call’
Sinead Gordon reads ‘Ash (A Love Story)’
Tutku Barbaros reads ‘Coconut’
Molly Alessandra Cooper reads ‘An Extra Grating of Parmesan’


Want to be in the know about the next DD Get Together? Sign up to our mailing list, y’all.

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