by Abby Parsons
When I was about 8 years old, and times got tough, I liked to secretly treat myself by taking a KitKat out of the snack cupboard, unwrapping it, and pressing it against a warm radiator, then licking the melted chocolate straight off the hot metal. I promise this is something I stopped doing age 9, but I remain an advocate of these kinds of treats – the kind that only you can give yourself, and which nobody needs ever know about. Sometimes it’s these little things that can help you keep going. And if I’m too poor to cheer myself up with an ASOS order, then at least I can still do the following. And you can too!
Take a sit-down shower
For when times get real tough and you don’t have a bath to hand. Also handy when hungover. (Not advised if you live in a flat share.)
Use a blow dryer to generally warm your entire body
Your hair may be dry, but that does not mean you have to switch off the blow dryer. Use following a sit-down shower for maximum effect.
Have a whole pot of tea
I know, it’s wild. But when spending a day on the sofa, and in the absence of someone to make you tea, why not make an entire pot? Then you won’t have to move for at least an hour. Hurrah.
Give up on a book
If you wanted to finish it, you would finish it. Don’t waste your precious reading time on something you’re just not feeling. Carpe diem, reading pals.
Wear the nice shoes to work
They were too expensive, you justified the purchase by telling yourself you’d keep them for nice. But now it’s Monday, and you have nothing to wear. So wear the nice shoes I say, and enjoy prancing around the office.
Use face wipes. For everything.
Use them on your face instead of expensive cleansing creams; use them on your beside table instead of cleaning spray. Don’t judge yourself, you’re in a rush, okay?
Purchase an electric blanket
The best £15 you will ever spend. With your bed toasty and yet still entirely yours, it will make you question why anyone would ever need a bed partner.
Go to bed without brushing your teeth
An occasional treat, for when you’re happy in bed and suddenly realise you haven’t brushed your darn teeth. Throw dental hygiene to the wind. Be gross. Remember to brush teeth in the morning at all costs.
Wake up early in order to have a cinnamon bun or similar treat before work
Tease yourself out of bed early on dark winter mornings with the promise of an Ikea cinnamon bun warming in the oven. Accompany with fresh coffee. (Warning: despite waking up early you will still end up being late.)
Buy yourself flowers
Buying myself flowers from Lidl every week got me through six months of living in a dank basement flat with two boys I didn’t know. It’s not an unnecessary purchase: you will always deserve flowers.
Abby Parsons | @abbyparsons30